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Image Consultant; Who? What? Why?

Image Consultant; Who, What? Why

Have you ever had someone look at you have serious problems when you told him or her about your career as in image consultant? Even though I've had my business for ten years, I think people are still baffled by our profession. If people even know what the profession is, they most likely have stereotypes in mind about who would hire us.

Here are a few of the ones I've come across:

  • Only rich people could afford this service.

  • It's only for people with tons of idle time (and lots of money).

  • Only someone vain or self-centered would hire an image consultant.

Bottom line: "You'd have to be crazy to hire someone to help you get dressed!

The truth is:

  • Our services are well-suited for anyone interested in personal or professional development.

  • We serve busy people interested in saving time and money.

  • Our services are well suited to goal-oriented people who want to see results. They understand that learning how best to represent themselves is an asset. The value building their reputation, instilling confidence and gaining respect and understand how well our services can help them do that.

Bottom line: Smart people hire professionals.

Clearly, our profession has its own image challenges! In a service that involves beauty and fashion, clothes and makeup, it could seem fluffy or irrelevant from an outsider's perspective. At The Style Closet, offer professional services and we strive to make sure we all doing all we can to leave the right impression.

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